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Elite 12 Week Program

$ 49.00 

$ 99.00 

The Elite Arm Wrestling Program, crafted in partnership with multiple world champions, is a rigorous 12-week regimen designed to elevate seasoned competitors to state and national level status. This uncompromising program focuses on: 1. Advanced strength optimization 2. Elite technique mastery in arm wrestling movements 3. Peak performance conditioning 4. Developing power in all positions on the table 5. Cyclical intensity training for progressive overload Participants undergo intense, specialized training targeting critical muscle groups and movement patterns. They'll refine advanced training techniques, improve strengths and strengthen weaknesses. The program features high-intensity workouts, and diverse training methods to prepare against any opponent’s style on the table. By integrating championship-level insights and methodologies, athletes will develop the exceptional strength, technical proficiency, and strategic insight required to dominate at the highest levels of competition. After 12 weeks, graduates will possess the tools and capabilities to dominate on the table. This is not for the faint of heart - only those truly committed to reaching the apex of arm wrestling need apply.
